I have always been a "big girl". The smallest size I can remember being is a size 14 when I was 16 years old. I remember this because I bought a pair of shorts from a local store and I was ecstatic I could fit into them. I know I was 16 because it was just before I got pregnant with my first blessing, Anthony Jose. With each child I gained weight, as most moms do. But I also lost a lot of weight while pregnant. I can't say at anytime with any pregnancy did I gain 60+ pounds. I was around 10-20 pounds each time. I wasn't raised doing sports or any other activities like that. Jose has always been EXTREMELY active. He has played soccer as long as I've known him, works construction and literally would wipe me out in one day with his "busy-ness". Although at one point we did go to the gym together. I don't know what happened there. Guess that stair climber just didn't appeal to me!
As I got heavier, I noticed I would beg him to slow down. After a while, I realized I needed to do something about my weight. I can HONESTLY say, I never saw myself "heavy" or "fat". Jose always loved me as I was. Which, yes, it's great, but you tend to loose yourself like I did. As a mom, a business woman, part time student, community volunteer, church volunteer, school PTA member, AYSO team manager, coach, and fundraiser coordinator....Melissa lost herself!
As a child, I was raised in an abusive home. I had a father who was mentally, physically and emotionally abusive. Both of my parents were drug addicts. When I was young (in 3rd grade) my grandfather removed my mom, my brother and myself from our home in Baldwin Park to a trailer in Banning. I didn't know anyone. I was extremely shy, timid, scared, lacked confidence and the list can go on! I met two friends when I moved, which I'm still BFF's with to this day! I was always looking for acceptance from everyone and anyone, especially the "cool kids" in school. I met Jose when I was 12 and he was a God send! He loved me unconditionally and wanted me to be his wife. I know, 12! Trust me I know! But as I look back, it was all in God's plan!
So when I say, Melissa lost herself, she really lost herself in all of her activities because she was finally someone to others. I was even a little popular.
But, it didn't fill that void that was there. I went through some things in my life that I'm not going to get into. Again, God allowed things to happen and I learned through the trials!
When I was going through my junk, I tried loosing the weight so that I could feel good about myself. Not looking to others or things to fill that void I was missing. I tried running for a time. I REALLY like running but I REALLY hate it at the same time. I don't have the endurance to run like I want to and it kicks my butt! I was always teased in school that I couldn't do the mile in PE, so running has always been a goal of mine. I tried, and it just didn't work. Not to mention, my hips gave me the worse issues!
Then I started working out on the Gazelle my friends gave me. I was doing good. I added in some weight lifting and doing other things like planks, sit ups, yoga moves. I was enjoying it but needed something more, again!
July 2011, I got a flier in the mail for a Forever Fit class with Jazzercise. Most people think of Jazzercise and think of the old school leotard, sweat band and leg warmers. I actually think my Aunt Jazzercised when I was little. But I was looking for something that I could do that I would enjoy, my daughter could be busy off on her own and it would keep me wanting more. I knew my friend Darci had babysat for Jazzercise years back so I called her up and drilled her with questions. Mainly, "are the girls clicky? are they accepting? are they catty? will they like me? are they gossipers?"...you know, the questions all of us women want to know before joining a women's group of anything. She assured me that I would fit right in and would love it! I talked to Jose and we agreed that I would do it for the 6 week trial. No contract, nothing that would keep me locked in if I didn't like it.
Well, I went. Hesitant yet excited. I HATE doing new things but at the same time it is exciting.
July 18, 2011, I arrived at the location to find nobody there. I was shaking in my sweats and didn't know what to expect or think. After a few minutes a really cute perky blond girl arrived, opened up and was as bubbly as all get out! Tana is her name, she is the owner of Jazzercise Cherry Valley. She welcomed me and we went in. I told her about the flier and she remembered talking on the phone with me. She explained the whole plan to me. We talked and she really took the time to get to know me. She took my measurements (I will do another post with those) and weighed me (Yes, I will share that also, what do I have to hide?). The first class was at 9am and she was going to be the instructor. I of course stayed. So many women walked in and saw a new face. They were so welcoming and sweet! I was really feeling welcomed! I stayed in the back...no way in Hell was ANYONE going to see me attempt to do any kind of workout, especially with music. Have you seen me dance?!?!?!?! Well, lets just say it's not the best youtube video out there...HA!
I tried to keep up, but let me tell ya it was NOT EASY! This girl, Tana, was all over the stage up front and I was just trying to keep up. Forget about learning the steps or routine! After class she asked me how I liked it. I think I lied and told her I really enjoyed it. But my panting probably indicated that she just about killed me! An older hispanic lady was in the back with me and she saw I was working hard (I guess that is how you can put it) and she gave me a few "low impact" pointers. She was the sweetest thing!
I left there that day with a sense of accomplishment and I really did like it. The music is up to date, it is HIGH energy and a TON of fun. So I decided I would go back and make my goal to go for the full 6 weeks of the program I signed up for. Let me tell you, it was NOT easy! They were doing exercises/routines I couldn't keep up with but I learned to adjust and do them a different way. Like leg lifts, instead of laying on the floor I would stand up against the wall and do them. YUP, I couldn't do leg lifts. It KILLED my legs!
As time went on I think I became an addict. I wouldn't go for whatever reason and I would REALLY miss it! I missed everything about it. The atmosphere, the fun, the dancing, the music, them ME TIME for 60 minutes. I was ADDICTED!!! I signed up for a one year contract. I knew if I was locked in, I would go. And I wanted to go!
As time went on, I was able to start doing the moves I couldn't do before. HEY, I WAS DOING LEG LIFTS! I was getting through routines that I would have to slow down or completely stop doing because I was dying. I was making it through a whole class without heaving and hoeing! I WAS DOING IT!!!! There were even a few times in class that I would do a routine I couldn't do prior and I would start tearing up in realization that "I just did it!"
I knew this was my new journey. I didn't know where I was going to go with it but I wanted to tap into this and start growing in it. I took every extra thing they offered so that I could learn more. I started taking 2 classes a day so I could work harder and build up my endurance level. I really was as active as I could with Jazzercise at the moment.
February 2012 I became a babysitter. I babysit one hour, once a week and I get FREE Jazzercise! Can't beat that!
October of 2012 Gretchen (another 'head' teacher and co-owner for Jazzercise Cherry Valley) announced during class that they are going to start looking for people who want to become instructors.
It hit a nerve! I knew after 6 months of doing Jazzercise that I wanted to be an instructor! Jazzercise has given me a confidence that I never knew I had. I knew I wanted to give back what I have received from this AWESOME group and company! Not only is Jazzercise, Inc an amazing company who truly cares about their "clients" but Jazzercise Cherry Valley has made a home for me. The instructors are amazing! They have become a HUGE support in my life. They aren't only our instructors but they are our friends. They are MY friends! They have encouraged me, lifted me up, boosted my confidence, shown me that I am MORE than what I think of myself and that I CAN accomplish anything I put my mind to.
I went to Erica and told her that I was interested in becoming an instructor. She was happy and excited to see my interest in coming along side the other instructors to boost and build other women. She thought that I would make a great instructor and made me feel really confident that I can do it.
After talking with Erica, I went to Gretchen and expressed my interest. She again was happy that I was showing interest to become an instructor. And she also boosted my confidence and made me feel really great about this next step I'm taking.
November 1, 2012 was my first meeting to becoming a Jazzercise instructor. Gretchen went over some things and had Donna there to help give us some pointers also. I walked away excited!
November 8, 2012 we met again and went over some moves and routines that she wants us to master. Jazzercise is VERY different from Zumba where you just pay and become an instructor. Jazzercise has a lot of things they want their instructors to do/learn. Which in my opinion is FANTASTIC! I compare it to higher end retail stores...you pay more because their quality is a lot higher than the lower end retail stores. If you expect your business to keep high standards they will get further (just my opinion).
We haven't met since but I'm sure we will be meeting more. January 2013 is the casting call. This is a class you take and someone evaluates your performance in the class. They then determine whether or not you are ready to go to the next level which is start learning the routines and then eventually performing them in front of a panel of judges.
I'm excited. God has put me on a course with Jazzercise for a reason. The day that I can begin to give back and encourage other women like I've been done will be amazing!
So, now you know about me, keep a look out for pictures, measurements, weigh-ins, etc. I'm holding myself accountable through this blog as well as hopefully reaching someone who is at a loss and feel as though they can't do it.
That old say, "If I can do it, you can do it" is true!
Thanks for stopping by!
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