So, with everything going on I have had HORRIBLE anxiety. I honestly want to rip my skin off, I can't sleep, eating terribly and I'm turning to alcohol to help me sleep and relax (I KNOW that it isn't good! I've tried praying, reading my bible and seeking God in this. But mental issues are serious and need help and treatment. Which I can't get due to not having any insurance.) I've been so bad that I have been getting physically sick to where I can't go to Jazzercise. I honestly haven't been practicing, I haven't been working out like I should be and the list goes on and on unfortunately.
I got on the scale this morning and I've gained 7lbs in the last month. I'm really trying not to beat myself up and be hard on myself but it's not easy!!!
We all fall off the bandwagon. Family goes through trying times. Life throws curve balls at us. Major things happen.
We can all either learn from it or allow it to keep us down. The choice is ours. We can let circumstance control us or we can control our circumstances.
Starting today I got up, ate right and got my butt to Jazzercise. I can honestly say, when I "fall off the bandwagon" my biggest issue is the snacking on the wrong foods and dinner. I can honestly say I did good for most of the day until dinner. I wasn't "bad" but I could have been better. Everyday is a new chance to make the right choice. What will you do with it?
I have a training coming up July 6th, same as the last one I went to. My goal is to get those 7lbs off. I will be limiting my carbs, sugars, 'junk' and of course alcohol. I have my BAFF that I've gone to for support (which is HUGE! We can't do this alone and we should get as much support as possible). I will be texting her and using her when I need that support whether it's to talk me down, build me up, give me some direction, etc...
I've posted a picture of what stress does to ones body. It is serious and many people don't take it serious enough. I hope you learned something and if you are under life's pressures, seek what you can change. Even if it's one thing at a time.
Huge Hugs and Love to you