Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Back at it!

I got my new 10 workshop songs. I'm so ecstatic over them, I can't even express my excitement. 
Found out yesterday that we will be working on Treasure by Bruno Mars on Thursday. One song I've gotten down pretty well. 
Here's hoping to a new year and a new Jazzercise Instructor!


  1. Hey, I just came across your blog while wasting time before my very first time team-teaching a Jazzercise class. My actual audition is in two weeks, but my mentor is giving me three songs in her sets this week and next to get even more practice in. I know exactly what you mean about being exhausted and feeling like you aren't capable of doing, it, but we just have to keep going and give it a shot, right? I'm just about dying from nerves, and I'm hoping I won't pass out on stage or barf up a lung. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Good luck at your audition, whenever it is! (P.S. I don't know what it is about I Choose U and Bounce With Me, but those two are the killers, IMO--even worse than Dance Apocalyptic.)

    1. Thank you for your comment Elena and good luck to you. I have 3 of the 10 songs pretty much down. I feel so overwhelmed by all of this! Hopefully you are mastering it all!
